How to connect to your car – MHD Wifi Adapter / MHD UNI Wi-Fi Adapter
- Connecting to your vehicle Preparing device Preparing vehicle
- Connecting with MHD Wi-Fi Adapter (E, F, G – Series & Supra) Setup requirements on iOS
- Connecting with MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter (E, F & G – Series) How to Update the MHD UNI Adapter
Connecting to your vehicle
Once you have downloaded xHP on your Android/iOS or Apple silicon Mac (M1 processor and newer) device and have acquired the additional hardware needed (see supported flashing hardware), you are ready to connect to your vehicle. This chapter will guide you through the steps needed ANY TIME before attempting to read or flash your vehicle.
We do have a separate Area dedicated to our Windows 10 version of the xHP App.
- Preparing device 1. Make sure your device has at least 25% battery capacity left. 2. Set your device to Flight Mode. Bluetooth and 4G/Cellular must be turned off. Especially true when flashing through a Wi-Fi connection. (more stable connection) 3. Cable Connection: Be sure to grant xHP the rights needed to access the local USB/Lightning port on your device. 4. Once a flash has started, leave your device alone. Do not move or touch it.
- Preparing vehicle 1. Make sure not to open/close doors during the process. If you want to stay outside during the process, open the side window and operate your device standing next to the vehicle. 2. Ignition has to be turned ON and the Engine OFF. 3. Make sure your transmission is in the “P” position. 4. Turn off ALL auxiliary devices: Headlights, Interior Lights, Heating, Heated Seats, Radio, NavScreen, etc. 5. Lock your Drivers-Seatbelt before starting the flash! 6. Do not unlock, unless the process is completed! (this keeps the Ignition ON) 7. Set your device to Flight mode. (only Wi-Fi ON) Incoming calls through Bluetooth will disturb not only the Android device but your car too. 8. Make sure you’re only flashing with a fully charged, healthy battery. xHP will refuse to start a flash operation below a voltage level of 11.9 Volt.
Note: The car can draw up to 30 Amps during the flash, so we recommend a power supply able to deliver at least 30 Amps @ 13.8V. (e.g. Maas SPS-30).
The voltage supply needs to be connected to the terminals in the engine bay. DO NOT connect directly to the vehicle’s battery. A normal battery tender or charger does not help to stabilize the voltage during the process. It can only help to pre-charge the battery in advance.
Important: The very first flash on your vehicle will “Install” xHP on your car (“Long-Flash”). This procedure takes approx. 10 min with DCAN. We highly recommend using a power supply for this first flash. After installing, the following flashes will take no more than approx. 2 minutes. These subsequent flashes can be carried out without a charger, but you do not want to see voltage levels below 12V when starting a flash. It is NOT possible to flash the TCU while the engine is running.
If you have any piggyback ECU solutions installed which interfere with the CAN-BUS (like a JB4) be sure to turn them OFF. Also problematic can be:
- throttle pedal tuning boxes
- any performance displays (like Awron)
- sport-exhaust with sound control installed in the car
- aftermarket Android Headunits
- aftermarket CarPlay Units
- aftermarket HUD (head-up displays)
- aftermarket immobilizers
- CAN blocking Anti Theft security systems
- and anything else aftermarket connected to the CAN-BUS (like mileage manipulation devices)
In certain cases, you probably need to remove them completely from the vehicle before. We recommend you do so, before using xHP!
Connecting with MHD Wi-Fi Adapter (E, F, G – Series & Supra)
Most Android devices will prefer Wi-Fi connections over 4G/LTE. As soon as you connect to the Wi-Fi network created by the Thor or MHD Wi-Fi Adapter, you will no longer be able to access the internet, even if cellular is still turned on. Therefore, the initial vehicle unlock requires a special procedure when using the Thor or orange MHD Wi-Fi Adapter:
- Very first start: Start with Internet, so not connected to the wireless Adapter Wi-Fi. This is only true for the very first startup. Not needed afterward.
- Plug your Wi-Fi Adapter into the OBD port and wait 10-20 seconds. Connect to the created Wi-Fi on your device. Press Connect in the App. The App will pull the necessary data from your car, to perform the Online Support-Check.
- Disconnect from the Adapter Wi-Fi. You can now perform the Online-Support-Check and redeem your previously purchased voucher codes. (Codes can be bought at our Web-Shop)
- Afterward, you can switch to the Adapter Wi-Fi again. The app has downloaded all necessary data and is now ready for offline use.
Note: The Wi-Fi Adapters do not support K-Line vehicles! (Z4 E86, X5 E53 and X3 E83).
Important: Make sure to connect only one device (phone/tablet/laptop) at a time to the Wi-Fi adapter. Having multiple devices connected using the same static IP will cause network conflicts. The device would seem to be connected correctly to the Wi-Fi adapter, but your car would not show up as connected in the app.
Setup requirements on iOS
Go to Wi-Fi settings and choose the Wi-Fi adapter, then go into the settings, and change the settings to the ones seen on the right:
- Click: “Configure IP” – Manual
- IP Address:
- Subnet Mask:
- Router: Leave the field empty
- Click “save”
Local network settings on iOS 14 or higher
- Make sure to have your local network settings turned ON. iPhone -> Settings -> xHP Flashtool -> local network -> ON
- iOS 14 and older: You can set the Wi-Fi to be still connected to the internet, even if you are connected to the Wi-Fi adapter.
- iOS 15: These IP settings have to be set, otherwise the iOS device does not find the Wi-Fi adapter. Attention iOS 15 seems to have introduced a bug with Wi-Fi adapters, so a lot of them no longer work. Please make sure to have iOS 15.2 or higher installed and use the above IP settings, to be able to flash.
- Make sure to connect only one device (phone/tablet/laptop) at a time to the Wi-Fi adapter. Having multiple devices connected using the same static IP will cause network conflicts. The device would seem to be connected correctly to the Wi-Fi adapter, but your car would not show up as connected in the app.
Connecting with MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter (E, F & G – Series)
xHP also supports the new MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter. Just plug the adapter into your OBD port and connect to the correct Wi-Fi. Based on the protocol detected, the Wi-Fi SSID will be one of the following:
No further configuration is needed. The Adapter works on all the listed devices.
The MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter supports E- (including KLINE vehicles), F- and G-Series vehicles including Supras.
Most Android devices will prefer Wi-Fi connections over 4G/LTE. As soon as you connect to the Wi-Fi network created by the MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter, you will no longer be able to access the internet, even if cellular is still turned on. Therefore, the initial vehicle unlock requires a special procedure:
- Very first start: Start with Internet, so not connected to the wireless Adapter Wi-Fi. This is only true for the very first startup. Not needed afterward.
- Plug your Wi-Fi Adapter into the OBD port and wait 10-20 seconds. Connect to the created Wi-Fi on your device. Press Connect in the App. The App will pull the necessary data from your car, to perform the Online Support-Check.
- Disconnect from the Adapter Wi-Fi. You can now perform the Online-Support-Check and redeem your previously purchased voucher codes. (Codes can be bought at the Web-Shop)
- Afterward, you can switch to the Adapter Wi-Fi again. The app has downloaded all necessary data and is now ready for offline use.
More about the MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter can be found here.
Local network settings on iOS 14 or higher
- Make sure to have your local network settings turned ON. iPhone -> Settings -> xHP Flashtool -> local network -> ON
- Make sure to connect only one device (phone/tablet/laptop) at a time to the Wi-Fi adapter. Having multiple devices connected using the same static IP will cause network conflicts. The device would seem to be connected correctly to the Wi-Fi adapter, but your car would not show up as connected in the app.
How to Update the MHD UNI Adapter
It is possible that you have to update the Firmware on the MHD UNI Wi-Fi adapter to support the G-Series Unlock. For this you need to:
- Download and open the MHD App
- Connect to the WiFi Adapter
- Connect MHD (for example Monitor Module → Data Logging)
- MHD should show the following: