Map Update for BMW Navigation – FSC Code + Maps Code
- Always the latest version – first available from us
- Fast delivery time.
- Clear explanation, everyone can do it.
- Sharp prices!
- Only a laptop and a 64GB USB Stick are required.
Map Update for BMW Navigation – FSC Code + Maps Code
Via our website, you can easily buy map updates and FSC codes with a super fast delivery time and clear instructions.
A map update always consists of two parts; a file with the maps (1), and a code to activate these maps (2).
Which cards do I need?
There are different types of cards. You can easily find which one you need in the ‘navigation version information’ of your car. Go to navigation; press the OPTIONS button on your controller; find the version information. For example WAY, ROUTE, NEXT, EVO, and so on. The region of your car is also important. Of course, you don’t want American cards in a European car. This often stands for the version. For example Western Europe ROUTE 2021-1. Western Europe is then the region, ROUTE the version, and 2021-1 is the current version.
Which code do I need?
Then the code. We call this an FSC code, or in German a ‘FreiSchaltCode’.
These codes come in two types:
1. A one-time code. This code will work once and if you buy new tickets later, you will also have to buy a new code.
2. Lifetime code. This code works forever. This means that if you buy tickets and a lifetime code this time, next time you only need to buy the tickets. This is therefore cheaper in the long term or with frequent updates.
So if you have previously ordered a lifetime code from us, you do not have to order it again if you want to order tickets again.
Please note; codes are vehicle specific.
How does it work?
You will receive a clear explanation of how to update the navigation. All you need is a laptop and a 64GB USB stick. You have to download the maps (we will send you a link) and put these files on a USB stick. You don’t need anything else. Anyone can do it. Note: for EVO you sometimes need an Enet-obd2 cable. You can order these from us if necessary.
Important Info:
- This is a digital product. After ordering you can therefore no longer cancel or ‘return’
- The code is linked to the chassis number. You cannot take a lifetime code with you to another car.
- We actually have all maps, except those for CCC navigation systems. These work with a DVD. It is best to buy this from the dealer.
- Both the codes and the cards can be ordered separately! Do you just need a code? No problem. Do you only need maps including the manual? No problem either!
- Delivery time? It is of course not a physical product that will be shipped. As a result, we can often deliver very quickly. However, if our programs do not cooperate or there are other malfunctions, this can of course take longer. We do our best to deliver as quickly as possible. Here are some facts: Average delivery time is 2 hours. Also on weekends. Our fastest delivery time ever was 8 minutes. Our longest delivery time ever was 28 hours.
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